
Your Safety First

Guidelines of Odisha for Travellers & Tourism Service Providers during COVID-19

Your Safety is our responsibility. In the era of COVID-19, safety, health & hygiene are the main factors that will drive tourism.

Adapting to the new normal due to the pandemic COVID-19, Department of Tourism has undertaken stringent safety protocols enshrined in the Government of India guidelines, to ensure a seamless and safe travel experience for our guests

Guidelines for Tourist accommodation Facilities
Guidelines at Public Transport
Guidelines at Public Transport
Guidelines at Tourist Attractions & Destinations
Guidelines at Tourist Attractions & Destinations
Guidelines for Travel Advisory
Guidelines for Travel Advisory
Guidelines at Odisha Hotels, EcoTourism, Resorts, Properties
  • Orient all the staff on hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, social distancing practices and usage of Personal Protective Equipments. (PPEs) Regular orientation as and when new staff is posted.
  • Ensure adequate availability of triple layer masks, hand sanitizers and disinfectants.
  • Post visible signage and information regarding good hygienic practices and correct usage of PPEs.
  • All the quarantined people to be kept in separate rooms if possible, otherwise on separate beds with distance of 1-2 meters with no bed facing opposite to each other.
  • Linen and Laundry: All Beds should have disposable bed sheet that should be changed on daily basis.
  • A separate room needs to be assigned to perform laundry services for cleaning of all the clothes and other washing related activities.
  • Provision of personal toiletries/ towel/ blanket/ pillow with covers/electric kettle, room heater and water dispenser to each person depending on availability.
  • Educate staff on the most common signs and symptoms of corona virus infection, which are fever, dry cough, sore throat and shortness of breath.
  • Look for any symptoms in the staff and guests. In case of symptoms they should be immediately referred to an identified healthcare facility.
  • Ensure that they have facility (rooms) in order to isolate suspected guests & staff.
  • Ensure donning and doffing of PPEs in separate earmarked area in prescribed manner.
  • Maintain functional flow as per MOHFW guidelines to reduce/minimize the interactions between quarantine people and healthcare professionals/supporting staffs.
  • Waste Disposal: Ensure waste disposal in demarcated area with properly covered bins as per Bio Medical Waste Management rules.
  • Allow only authorized & trained persons inside the work areas.
  • Display of the international biohazard warning symbol and sign on the doors of the rooms where suspects are kept, BMW management areas, samples of higher risk groups are handled.
  • Staff should be well versed in hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene and practice distancing of at least 3 feet while interaction
  • Maintain a record of all guests, with contact nos., email ids and travel or stay history in any affected area or contact with a known case in past 14 days.
  • Practice hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene and social distancing of at least 3 ft.
  • Disposable and pre-packed food needs to be served to quarantined people.
  • Wash all vegetables and fruits in boiled water prior to cooking. Wash hands before cooking and serving food.
  • All packaged food items to be wiped well before using.
  • Take precautionary measures including cleaning and disinfection of all cooking surfaces and flooring while cooking and serving.
  • Report immediately to the Management, if they develop any symptoms.
  • Maintain a proper schedule to perform routine cleaning and disinfection of all contact surfaces in public areas including television remote controls, pens, room keys and key cards, toilet flush handles, door handles, water faucet handles and flooring.
  • Clean all public spaces and exposed surfaces with prescribed chemicals as per table 1 and 2.
  • Disinfection of laundry with suitable disinfectant preferably sodium hypochlorite.
  • Wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) while carrying out cleaning and disinfection work in prescribed manner as given in Annexure 3 and 4.
  • Disposable gloves (heavy duty), disposable long sleeves gowns, eye goggles or a face shield and N95 masks.
  • Gloves and masks should be removed and discarded if they become soiled or damaged and a new pair worn.
  • All other disposable PPE should be removed and discarded after cleaning activity is completed.
  • PPE should be discarded in thick plastic bag, sealed, labelled and sent to the nearest health facility for discarding of infectious waste.
  • Hands should be washed with soap and water immediately after each piece of PPE is removed following completion of cleaning.
  • The cleaning crew should report immediately if they develop symptoms.
  • They should declare at reception of any history of travel to or stay in an affected area or contact with any known case in past 14 days.
  • Observe personal hygiene especially hand hygiene and respiratory (cough/ sneeze) hygiene and social distancing.
  • Use alcohol-based hand rub after accessing public areas like receptions, lobby etc.
  • Use surgical mask if you develop respiratory symptoms.
  • Advice and assist sick guest(s) who develop symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, breathlessness etc.)
  • Call control room/identified hospital and inform about the condition of the sick guest(s).
  • Arrange for ambulance in consultation with emergency department.
  • Advise the guest to remain in his room and wear the surgical mask
  • Group and relocate any asymptomatic persons into another room and they should stay in the relocated room.
  • Minimize contact with the sick guest and other guest travelling along with the sick guest.
  • Put on suitable PPE while interacting with /shifting sick guest
  • Staff should be aware of symptoms and should report immediately if they develop any symptoms and should be immediately referred to the identified healthcare facility.
  • Cleaning and disinfection of all public areas and exposed surfaces like walls, lift buttons, railings, door handles, arm rest, tables, switches of lights and air conditioners remote controls with disinfectant 1% Sodium Hypochlorite in every six hours or earlier if a positive/suspect case is detected
  • Switch off the central air-conditioning of the room in which there is a suspect case
  • Discard-cleaning materials made of cloth (mop and wiping cloth) in appropriate bags after cleaning and disinfecting. Wear new pair of gloves and fasten the bag.
  • Disinfect all cleaning equipment after use and before using in other area
  • Disinfect buckets by soaking in bleach solution or rinse in hot water
  • Please follow instructions and cooperate with the staff members.
  • Stay in the room if feeling unwell, wear a surgical mask and call hotel operators at once for assistance
  • Practice hygiene and sufficient distancing.
Guidelines for domestic travel (air/train/inter-state bus travel)
Guidelines for domestic travel
  • Dos and Don'ts shall be provided along with tickets to the travellers by the agencies concerned.
  • All passengers shall be advised to download Arogya Setu app on their mobile devices.
  • Suitable announcement about COVID-19 including precautionary measures to be followed shall be made at airports/railway station/bus terminals and in flights/trains/bus.
  • The States/UTs shall ensure that all passengers shall undergo thermal screening at the point of departure and only asymptomatic passengers are allowed to board the flight/train/bus.
  • During boarding and travel, all passengers shall use face covers/mask. They will also follow hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene and maintain environmental hygiene.
  • At airports/railway stations/ bus terminals required measures to ensure social distancing shall be taken.
  • Airports/railway stations/bus terminals should be regularly sanitized/disinfected and availability of soaps and sanitizers shall be ensured.
  • Thermal screening at exit point shall be arranged.
  • Asymptomatic passengers will be permitted to go with the advice that they shall self-monitor their health for 14 days. In case, they develop any symptoms, they shall inform the district surveillance officer or the state/national call center (1075).
  • Those found symptomatic will be isolated and taken to the nearest health facility. They will be assessed for clinical severity at the health facility.
  • Those having moderate or severe symptoms will be admitted to dedicated COVID Health facilities and managed accordingly.
  • Those having mild symptoms will be given the option of home isolation or isolated in the Covid Care Centre (both public & private facilities) as appropriate and tested as per ICMR protocol available at
  • If positive, they will continue in COVID Care Centre and will be managed as per clinical protocol.
  • If negative, the passenger may be allowed to go home, isolate himself/herself and self-monitor his/her health for further 7 days. In case, any symptoms develop they shall inform the district surveillance officer or the state/national call center (1075).
  • NOTE: States can also develop their own protocol with regards to quarantine and isolation as per their assessment.
COVID-19 Preparedness Protocols For Odisha Tourism
General preparedness
  • A committee to be formed for planning and preparation phase of the reopening of destinations which shall be named as the COVID-19 Assessment Committee.
  • The committee shall make assessment on tourist pattern (before/after COVID-19) including an analysis on their demographics and area of origin (COVID Zone – Red or otherwise).
  • The committee shall develop a mechanism to regulate footfall as per capacity of the destination. An observation on visitors’ behavioural pattern, based on the type of tourist destination, may be incorporated in the proposed mechanism.
  • The committee shall prepare the capacity assessment of the destination and decide the batch sizes to ensure staggered entry at the destination.
  • Development of automated self-attested declaration to screen out vulnerable tourists such as ages>65 or with prevailing medical conditions (Leverage self-declaration under Aarogya Setu App).
  • Electronic time slot booking for gated ticketed destinations to avoid inadequate queueing, minimize touch points. Introduction of App may be offered with QR code generation with digital payments option for booking tickets in advance.
Responsibilities of the COVID-19 Rapid Response Management Team
  • The management of tourist destinations shall be constituted of - COVID Response Team which shall include representatives from all the relevant departments, as required for operating a tourist destination.
  • The Team shall be responsible for various activities including crowd management, queue management, hygiene, disinfection and sanitation, staff training and awareness as per COVID-19 guidelines issues by WHO.
  • Roles and responsibilities of each member of COVID-19 rapid response team shall be pre-defined.
  • COVID-19 team shall be responsible for frequent evaluation of gaps in COVID response
  • COVID-19 team to be responsible for improvising the action plan for implementation of various activities with respect to General preparedness of the tourist destination viz, crowd management, training of staff, compliance of hygiene, sanitation, social distancing norms, co-ordination with local health department and identification of a key member for each activity.
  • COVID-19 response team shall have a designated co-ordinator, ideally an officer from higher management or specially appointed officer, responsible for reporting any health-related issues among the staff or the visitor in the destination and for co- ordination with local govt health officials for protocols.
  • The COVID-19 response team shall ensure that adequate manpower shall be deployed at destinations to ensure social distancing norms, among others.
  • All employees/staff at higher risk should be advised to take extra precaution.
  • COVID-19 response team to ensure requisite precautions are put in place while handling of supplies, inventories and goods.
  • COVID response team to ensure maintenance of log/record of all interventions undertaken under the guidelines.
  • COVID response team shall prepare guidelines for the staff protocol and tourist protocol for the Do’s and Don’ts
  • The COVID-19 response team shall proactively communicate guidelines and expectations for health and hygiene procedures and precautions to all its staff through a COVID co-ordinator.
Going digital
  • DoT shall actively promote destinations as safe places to visit (dedicated webpages highlighting safety measures, hotline numbers, changes in policy, rules and regulations)
  • DoT shall facilitate virtual tours promotion to create interest with online booking of tickets for visit to location
  • DoT shall facilitate Integrated systems for end to end travel bookings for destinations including accommodation, vehicles etc
  • DoT may issue annual Vouchers for reimbursing money back during travel bookings to avail better experience of bookings
Crowd management at tourist destinations
  • Ensure social distancing
  • Crucial preventive and protective measures to ensure safety of visitors and staff
  • Capacity of destinations shall be recalculated for various attractions within the tourist destination to avoid grouping
  • Details related to capacity, number of permissible visitors and other preventive measures to be clearly communicated
  • Tourist destinations to be opened for a limited period, everyday
  • Management of restricted group visits, guided tours, public programs, special and private events, etc. wherever applicable
Availability of COVID-19 related amenities
  • Before reopening, COVID-19 response team shall ensure availability of adequate supplies to support healthy hygiene behaviors for staff and visitors
  • Enough quantity of below mentioned amenities must be available at the destination apart from regular amenities
Modifications related to opening of destinations
  • DoT shall Facilitate for rebooking in order to avoid cancellation of bookings
  • DoT and District administration shall share reliable information on a daily basis related to Awareness of COVID-19
  • All tourist destination staff must wear face masks and single use gloves mandatorily while performing their duties at the destinations
  • A safe physical distance of at least 2m (6 feet) should always be mandatorily maintained by all participants while at the premises of the destinations
  • Clear signage on “Safe physical distance of at least 2 m (6 ft) “to be displayed at frequent spatial intervals at the tourist destination to reinforce social distancing behaviour among staffs and tourists
  • 2 metres (6 feet) physical distance markings at all waiting areas like entrance, ticketing should be done for tourists to stand during the queue
  • Proper training of staff/personnel to be trained to ensure use of face masks, hand gloves and sanitizers while doing daily activities
  • A well informed and trained security person to keep check at main entrance gate of the destination and should be available wherever applicable to supervise social distancing
  • CCTV camera surveillance at tourist destinations to be facilitated
  • All touch points of the destination to be sanitized regularly as a part of the sanitization drive
  • All staff/tourist shall be strictly using thermal scanner by designated trained person/ thermal automatic scanners
  • Study of visitor behaviour during visit to create further intelligence for improvising action plans
  • Live tracking of visitors using Mobile App/Bluetooth, video analytics, RFID etc.
  • “Do Not Sit Here” sign for the middle seats to ensure distancing and Circle Marking on Floor to ensure physical distancing of >2m
  • Staff should remove the gloves properly and should not touch face after removing gloves
  • Effective risk communication needs to be done for any COVID-19 positive visitors who might have entered the destination
  • Visitation Records for Contact Tracing Needs and information devolution as appropriate
  • Feedback facility to rate a facility’s COVID safe environment
Common areas like cafeteria, souvenir shops
  • DoT shall encourage online buying of souvenir and minimize personal contact while souvenir buying
  • Food stalls/cafeteria shall be monitored by health department and other relevant stakeholders from time to time
  • Assurance of safety standards followed by vendors
  • Proper surveillance to be done for all common spaces
Organisation of events/mass gatherings at destinations
  • Annual events organised shall follow all norms of social distancing with limitation in number of participants
  • Avoiding mass gatherings / avoiding creation of groups within the events shall be done
  • Ensuring food safety at the event
  • Effective risk communication needs to be done for any COVID-19 positive visitors who might have entered the destination
Ensuring healthcare facilities
  • Keeping action plan ready in case of any tourist falling
  • Improvement in hygiene and sanitation work
  • Re-sanitization of spaces during the day from time to time based on visitor footfall
  • Ensuring availability of COVID -19 related amenities
  • Use of Arogya Setu for all staff
  • Check in protocol for tourists visiting a tourist destination
  • Sanitization activities before opening and after closing of destination, everyday
Additional Travel Advisory for Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Government of India Ministry of Health & FW
In continuation of the travel advisories issued on 11th March,16th March and 17th March 2020, the following additional advisory is issued:
  • No scheduled international commercial passenger aircraft shall take off from any foreign airport for any airport in India, after 0001 hrs GMT of March 22, 2020 (*i.e. 0531 hrs Indian Standard Time (IST) of March 22, 2020). These instructions shall remain in force till 0001 hrs GMT of March 29, 2020.
  • A maximum travel time of 20 hours is permissible for such commercial passenger aircraft to land in India.
  • As such, no incoming scheduled international commercial passenger aircraft shall be allowed to disembark its passengers *on Indian soil* (Foreigner or Indian) after 2001 hrs GMT of March 22, 2020 (*i.e. 0131hrs IST of March 23, 2020).
  • These instructions are in addition to the travel restrictions/ advisories already issued and under implementation.
  • The above are temporary measures to restrict the spread of COVID-19, and are subject to review by Government.
Steps of Hand Hygiene
how to wash hands
  • wash hands for 10 min
  • use dryer to dry hands
how to wash foot
  • rine fooot with warm water for 10 min
  • scrub foot with soap
firstof fifthe sub main title
  • • Put on suitable PPE while interacting with /shifting sick guest
  • • Staff should be aware of symptoms and should report immediately if they develop any symptoms and should be immediately referred to the identified healthcare facility.
second of fifthe sub main title
  • • Stay in the room if feeling unwell, wear a surgical mask and call hotel operators at once for assistance
  • Practice hygiene and sufficient distancing.
Respiratory Hygiene
wear mask
  • mask should cover mouth and nose
  • mask should not be reused
Donning & Doffing of PPE
  • use one ppe kit only once
  • dispose the ppe properly
first of sixth sub main title
  • Minimize contact with the sick guest and other guest travelling along with the sick guest.
  • Staff should be aware of symptoms and should report immediately if they develop any symptoms and should be immediately referred to the identified healthcare facility.
second of sixth sub main title
  • • Display of the international biohazard warning symbol and sign on the doors of the rooms where suspects are kept, BMW management areas, samples of higher risk groups are handled • Allow only authorized & trained persons inside the work areas • Practice hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene and social distancing of at least 3 ft. • Disposable and pre-packed food needs to be served to quarantined people. • Wash all vegetables and fruits in boiled water prior to cooking. Wash hands before cooking and serving food. • All packaged food items to be wiped well before using. • Take precautionary measures including cleaning and disinfection of all cooking surfaces and flooring while cooking and serving. • Report immediately to the Management, if they develop any symptoms.
  • • Maintain a record of all guests, with contact nos., email ids and travel or stay history in any affected area or contact with a known case in past 14 days

See the safety Measure being Taken On-Ground at Panthanivas & Ecotour Properties

OTDC Post Lockdown

second video

Thermal Guns at the use

Sanitization Training of Ecotour Staffs

Safety Protocols Training session at Nature Camps